Source code for graphdot.kernel.marginalized._kernel

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
import numbers
import warnings
import itertools as it
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from graphdot.graph import Graph
from graphdot.util import Timer
from graphdot.util.iterable import fold_like, flatten, replace
from graphdot.util.pretty_tuple import pretty_tuple
from ._backend_factory import backend_factory
from .starting_probability import StartingProbability, Uniform, Adhoc

[docs]class MarginalizedGraphKernel: """Implements the random walk-based graph similarity kernel as proposed in: Kashima, H., Tsuda, K., & Inokuchi, A. (2003). Marginalized kernels between labeled graphs. *In Proceedings of the 20th international conference on machine learning (ICML-03)* (pp. 321-328). Parameters ---------- node_kernel: microkernel A kernelet that computes the similarity between individual nodes edge_kernel: microkernel A kernelet that computes the similarity between individual edge p: positive number (default=1.0) or :py:class:`StartingProbability` The starting probability of the random walk on each node. Must be either a positive number or a concrete subclass instance of :py:class:`StartingProbability`. q: float in (0, 1) The probability for the random walk to stop during each step. q_bounds: pair of floats The lower and upper bound that the stopping probability can vary during hyperparameter optimization. eps: float The step size used for finite difference approximation of the gradient. Only used for nodal matrices (``nodal=True``). dtype: numpy dtype The data type of the kernel matrix to be returned. backend: 'auto' or 'cuda' or an instance of :py:class:`graphdot.kernel.marginalized.Backend`. The computing engine that solves the marginalized graph kernel's generalized Laplacian equation. """ trait_t = namedtuple( 'Traits', 'diagonal, symmetric, nodal, lmin, eval_gradient' )
[docs] @classmethod def traits(cls, diagonal=False, symmetric=False, nodal=False, lmin=0, eval_gradient=False): traits = cls.trait_t( diagonal, symmetric, nodal, lmin, eval_gradient ) return traits
def __init__(self, node_kernel, edge_kernel, p=1.0, q=0.01, q_bounds=(1e-4, 1 - 1e-4), eps=1e-2, ftol=1e-8, gtol=1e-6, dtype=np.float, backend='auto'): self.node_kernel = node_kernel self.edge_kernel = edge_kernel self.p = self._get_starting_probability(p) self.q = q self.q_bounds = q_bounds self.eps = eps self.ftol = ftol self.gtol = gtol self.element_dtype = dtype self.backend = backend_factory(backend) if self.node_kernel.minmax[0] <= 0 or self.node_kernel.minmax[1] > 1: warnings.warn( 'Node kernel value range should be within (0, 1], ' f'got {self.node_kernel.minmax} for {self.node_kernel}. ' 'This will not be allowed in a future version. ' 'Consider adding a small constant or using the `.normalized` ' 'attribute of the kernel.', DeprecationWarning ) if self.edge_kernel.minmax[0] < 0 or self.edge_kernel.minmax[1] > 1: warnings.warn( 'Edge kernel value range must be within [0, 1], ' f'got {self.edge_kernel.minmax} for {self.edge_kernel}. ' 'This will not be allowed in a future version. ' 'Consider adding a small constant or using the `.normalized` ' 'attribute of the kernel.', DeprecationWarning ) def _get_starting_probability(self, p): if isinstance(p, StartingProbability): return p elif isinstance(p, tuple) and len(p) == 2: f, expr = p if callable(f) and isinstance(expr, str): return Adhoc(f, expr) else: raise ValueError( 'An ad hoc starting probability must be specified as an' '(callable, C++ expression) pair.' ) elif isinstance(p, numbers.Number): if p > 0: return Uniform(p) else: raise ValueError(f'Starting probability {p} < 0.') else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown starting probability: {p}')
[docs] def __call__(self, X, Y=None, eval_gradient=False, nodal=False, lmin=0, timing=False): """Compute pairwise similarity matrix between graphs Parameters ---------- X: list of N graphs The graphs must all have same node and edge attributes. Y: None or list of M graphs The graphs must all have same node and edge attributes. eval_gradient: Boolean If True, computes the gradient of the kernel matrix with respect to hyperparameters and return it alongside the kernel matrix. nodal: bool If True, return node-wise similarities; otherwise, return graphwise similarities. lmin: 0 or 1 Number of steps to skip in each random walk path before similarity is computed. (lmin + 1) corresponds to the starting value of l in the summation of Eq. 1 in Tang & de Jong, 2019 (or the first unnumbered equation in Section 3.3 of Kashima, Tsuda, and Inokuchi, 2003). Returns ------- kernel_matrix: ndarray if Y is None, return a square matrix containing pairwise similarities between the graphs in X; otherwise, returns a matrix containing similarities across graphs in X and Y. gradient: ndarray The gradient of the kernel matrix with respect to kernel hyperparameters. Only returned if eval_gradient is True. """ timer = Timer() backend = self.backend traits = self.traits( symmetric=Y is None, nodal=nodal, lmin=lmin, eval_gradient=eval_gradient ) ''' assert graph attributes are compatible with each other ''' all_graphs = list(it.chain(X, Y)) if Y is not None else X pred_or_tuple = Graph.has_unified_types(all_graphs) if pred_or_tuple is not True: group, first, second = pred_or_tuple raise TypeError( f'The two graphs have mismatching {group} attributes or ' 'attribute types. If the attributes match in name but differ ' 'in type, try `Graph.unify_datatype` as an automatic fix.\n' f'First graph: {first}\n' f'Second graph: {second}\n' ) ''' generate jobs ''' timer.tic('generating jobs') if traits.symmetric: i, j = np.triu_indices(len(X)) i, j = i.astype(np.uint32), j.astype(np.uint32) else: i, j = np.indices((len(X), len(Y)), dtype=np.uint32) j += len(X) jobs = backend.array( np.column_stack((i.ravel(), j.ravel())) .ravel() .view(np.dtype([('i', np.uint32), ('j', np.uint32)])) ) timer.toc('generating jobs') ''' create output buffer ''' timer.tic('creating output buffer') if traits.symmetric: starts = backend.zeros(len(X) + 1, dtype=np.uint32) if traits.nodal is True: sizes = np.array([len(g.nodes) for g in X], dtype=np.uint32) np.cumsum(sizes, out=starts[1:]) n_nodes_X = int(starts[-1]) output_shape = (n_nodes_X, n_nodes_X) else: starts[:] = np.arange(len(X) + 1) output_shape = (len(X), len(X)) else: starts = backend.zeros(len(X) + len(Y) + 1, dtype=np.uint32) if traits.nodal is True: sizes = np.array([len(g.nodes) for g in X] + [len(g.nodes) for g in Y], dtype=np.uint32) np.cumsum(sizes, out=starts[1:]) n_nodes_X = int(starts[len(X)]) starts[len(X):] -= n_nodes_X n_nodes_Y = int(starts[-1]) output_shape = (n_nodes_X, n_nodes_Y) else: starts[:len(X)] = np.arange(len(X)) starts[len(X):] = np.arange(len(Y) + 1) output_shape = (len(X), len(Y)) gramian = backend.empty(int(, np.float32) if traits.eval_gradient is True: gradient = backend.empty( self.n_dims * int(, np.float32 ) else: gradient = None timer.toc('creating output buffer') ''' call GPU kernel ''' timer.tic('calling GPU kernel (overall)') backend( np.concatenate((X, Y)) if Y is not None else X, self.node_kernel, self.edge_kernel, self.p, self.q, self.eps, self.ftol, self.gtol, jobs, starts, gramian, gradient, output_shape[0], output_shape[1], self.n_dims, traits, timer, ) timer.toc('calling GPU kernel (overall)') ''' collect result ''' timer.tic('collecting result') gramian = gramian.reshape(*output_shape, order='F') if gradient is not None: gradient = gradient.reshape( (*output_shape, self.n_dims), order='F' )[:, :, self.active_theta_mask] timer.toc('collecting result') if timing:'ms') timer.reset() if traits.eval_gradient is True: return ( gramian.astype(self.element_dtype), gradient.astype(self.element_dtype) ) else: return gramian.astype(self.element_dtype)
[docs] def diag(self, X, eval_gradient=False, nodal=False, lmin=0, active_theta_only=True, timing=False): """Compute the self-similarities for a list of graphs Parameters ---------- X: list of N graphs The graphs must all have same node attributes and edge attributes. eval_gradient: Boolean If True, computes the gradient of the kernel matrix with respect to hyperparameters and return it alongside the kernel matrix. nodal: bool If True, returns a vector containing nodal self similarties; if False, returns a vector containing graphs' overall self similarities; if 'block', return a list of square matrices which forms a block-diagonal matrix, where each diagonal block represents the pairwise nodal similarities within a graph. lmin: 0 or 1 Number of steps to skip in each random walk path before similarity is computed. (lmin + 1) corresponds to the starting value of l in the summation of Eq. 1 in Tang & de Jong, 2019 (or the first unnumbered equation in Section 3.3 of Kashima, Tsuda, and Inokuchi, 2003). active_theta_only: bool Whether or not to return only gradients with regard to the non-fixed hyperparameters. Returns ------- diagonal: numpy.array or list of np.array(s) If nodal=True, returns a vector containing nodal self similarties; if nodal=False, returns a vector containing graphs' overall self similarities; if nodal = 'block', return a list of square matrices, each being a pairwise nodal similarity matrix within a graph. gradient The gradient of the kernel matrix with respect to kernel hyperparameters. Only returned if eval_gradient is True. """ timer = Timer() backend = self.backend traits = self.traits( diagonal=True, nodal=nodal, lmin=lmin, eval_gradient=eval_gradient ) ''' assert graph attributes are compatible with each other ''' pred_or_tuple = Graph.has_unified_types(X) if pred_or_tuple is not True: group, first, second = pred_or_tuple raise TypeError( f'The two graphs have mismatching {group} attributes or ' 'attribute types.' 'If the attribute names do match, then try to unify data ' 'types automatically with `Graph.unify_datatype`.\n' f'First graph: {first}\n' f'Second graph: {second}\n' ) ''' generate jobs ''' timer.tic('generating jobs') i = np.arange(len(X), dtype=np.uint32) jobs = backend.array( np.column_stack((i, i)) .ravel() .view(np.dtype([('i', np.uint32), ('j', np.uint32)])) ) timer.toc('generating jobs') ''' create output buffer ''' timer.tic('creating output buffer') starts = backend.zeros(len(X) + 1, dtype=np.uint32) if nodal is True: sizes = np.array([len(g.nodes) for g in X], dtype=np.uint32) np.cumsum(sizes, out=starts[1:]) output_length = int(starts[-1]) elif nodal is False: starts[:] = np.arange(len(X) + 1) output_length = len(X) elif nodal == 'block': sizes = np.array([len(g.nodes) for g in X], dtype=np.uint32) np.cumsum(sizes**2, out=starts[1:]) output_length = int(starts[-1]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'nodal' option '%s'" % nodal) gramian = backend.empty(output_length, np.float32) if traits.eval_gradient is True: gradient = backend.empty(self.n_dims * output_length, np.float32) else: gradient = None timer.toc('creating output buffer') ''' call GPU kernel ''' timer.tic('calling GPU kernel (overall)') backend( X, self.node_kernel, self.edge_kernel, self.p, self.q, self.eps, self.ftol, self.gtol, jobs, starts, gramian, gradient, output_length, 1, self.n_dims, traits, timer, ) timer.toc('calling GPU kernel (overall)') ''' post processing ''' timer.tic('collecting result') if gradient is not None: gradient = gradient.reshape( (output_length, self.n_dims), order='F' ) if active_theta_only: gradient = gradient[:, self.active_theta_mask] if nodal == 'block': retval = [gramian[s:s + n**2].reshape(n, n) for s, n in zip(starts[:-1], sizes)] elif traits.eval_gradient is True: retval = ( gramian.astype(self.element_dtype), gradient.astype(self.element_dtype) ) else: retval = gramian.astype(self.element_dtype) timer.toc('collecting result') if timing:'ms') timer.reset() return retval
"""⭣⭣⭣⭣⭣ scikit-learn interoperability methods ⭣⭣⭣⭣⭣"""
[docs] def is_stationary(self): return False
@property def requires_vector_input(self): return False @property def hyperparameters(self): '''A hierarchical representation of all the kernel hyperparameters.''' return pretty_tuple( 'MarginalizedGraphKernel', ['starting_probability', 'stopping_probability', 'node_kernel', 'edge_kernel'] )(self.p.theta, self.q, self.node_kernel.theta, self.edge_kernel.theta) @property def flat_hyperparameters(self): return np.fromiter(flatten(self.hyperparameters), np.float) @property def hyperparameter_bounds(self): return pretty_tuple( 'GraphKernelHyperparameterBounds', ['starting_probability', 'stopping_probability', 'node_kernel', 'edge_kernel'] )(self.p.bounds, self.q_bounds, self.node_kernel.bounds, self.edge_kernel.bounds) @property def n_dims(self): 'Number of hyperparameters including both optimizable and fixed ones.' return len(self.flat_hyperparameters) @property def active_theta_mask(self): lower, upper = np.reshape( np.fromiter( flatten( # flatten the newly introduced (nan, nan) tuples replace( # 'fixed' -> (nan, nan) flatten(self.hyperparameter_bounds), # tree -> list 'fixed', (np.nan, np.nan) ) ), dtype=np.float ), (2, -1), order='F' ) inactive = np.isnan(lower) | np.isnan(upper) | (lower == upper) return ~inactive @property def theta(self): '''The logarithms of a flattened array of kernel hyperparameters, excluing those declared as 'fixed' or those with equal lower and upper bounds.''' return np.log(self.flat_hyperparameters[self.active_theta_mask]) @theta.setter def theta(self, value): hypers = np.log(self.flat_hyperparameters) hypers[self.active_theta_mask] = value (self.p.theta, self.q, self.node_kernel.theta, self.edge_kernel.theta ) = fold_like(np.exp(hypers), self.hyperparameters) @property def bounds(self): '''The logarithms of a reshaped X-by-2 array of kernel hyperparameter bounds, excluing those declared as 'fixed' or those with equal lower and upper bounds.''' return np.log( np.fromiter( flatten( replace( flatten(self.hyperparameter_bounds), 'fixed', (np.nan, np.nan) ) ), np.float ).reshape(-1, 2, order='C')[self.active_theta_mask, :] )
[docs] def clone_with_theta(self, theta): clone = copy.deepcopy(self) clone.theta = theta return clone