Source code for graphdot.metric.maximin._maximin

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
from graphdot.graph import Graph
from graphdot.kernel.marginalized import MarginalizedGraphKernel
from graphdot.util import Timer
from ._backend_cuda import MaxiMinBackend

[docs]class MaxiMin(MarginalizedGraphKernel): '''The maximin graph distance is a variant of the Hausdorff distance. Given the nodal similarity measure defined on individual nodes by the marginalized graph kernel, the maximin distance is the greatest of all the kernel-induced distances from a node in one graph to the closest node in the other graph. Two graphs are close in the maximin distance if every node of either graph is close to some node of the other graph. Parameters ---------- args: arguments Inherits from :py:class:`graphdot.kernel.marginalized.MarginalizedGraphKernel`. kwargs: keyword arguments Inherits from :py:class:`graphdot.kernel.marginalized.MarginalizedGraphKernel`. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['dtype'] = np.float32 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.maximin_backend = MaxiMinBackend()
[docs] def __call__(self, X, Y=None, eval_gradient=False, lmin=0, return_hotspot=False, timing=False): '''Computes the distance matrix and optionally its gradient with respect to hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- X: list of graphs The first dataset to be compared. Y: list of graphs or None The second dataset to be compared. If None, X will be compared with itself. eval_gradient: bool If True, returns the gradient of the weight matrix alongside the matrix itself. lmin: 0 or 1 Number of steps to skip in each random walk path before similarity is computed. (lmin + 1) corresponds to the starting value of l in the summation of Eq. 1 in Tang & de Jong, 2019 (or the first unnumbered equation in Section 3.3 of Kashima, Tsuda, and Inokuchi, 2003). return_hotspot: bool Whether or not to return the indices of the node pairs that determines the maximin distance between the graphs. Generally, these hotspots represent the location of the largest difference between the graphs. options: keyword arguments Additional arguments to be passed to the underlying kernel. Returns ------- distance: 2D matrix A distance matrix between the data points. hotspot: a pair of 2D integer matrices Indices of the hotspot node pairs between the graphs. Only returned if the ``return_hotspot`` argument is True. gradient: 3D tensor A tensor where the i-th frontal slide [:, :, i] contain the partial derivative of the distance matrix with respect to the i-th hyperparameter. Only returned if the ``eval_gradient`` argument is True. ''' timer = Timer() backend = self.maximin_backend traits = self.traits( symmetric=Y is None, nodal=False, lmin=lmin, eval_gradient=eval_gradient ) ''' assert graph attributes are compatible with each other ''' all_graphs = list(it.chain(X, Y)) if Y is not None else X pred_or_tuple = Graph.has_unified_types(all_graphs) if pred_or_tuple is not True: group, first, second = pred_or_tuple raise TypeError( f'The two graphs have mismatching {group} attributes or ' 'attribute types. If the attributes match in name but differ ' 'in type, try `Graph.unify_datatype` as an automatic fix.\n' f'First graph: {first}\n' f'Second graph: {second}\n' ) ''' generate jobs ''' timer.tic('generating jobs') if traits.symmetric: i, j = np.triu_indices(len(X)) i, j = i.astype(np.uint32), j.astype(np.uint32) else: i, j = np.indices((len(X), len(Y)), dtype=np.uint32) j += len(X) jobs = backend.array( np.column_stack((i.ravel(), j.ravel())) .ravel() .view(np.dtype([('i', np.uint32), ('j', np.uint32)])) ) timer.toc('generating jobs') ''' create output buffer ''' timer.tic('creating output buffer') if traits.symmetric: output_shape = (len(X), len(X)) starts = backend.zeros(len(X) + 1, dtype=np.uint32) starts[:] = np.arange(len(X) + 1) starts_nodal = backend.zeros(len(X) + 1, dtype=np.uint32) sizes = np.array([len(g.nodes) for g in X], dtype=np.uint32) np.cumsum(sizes, out=starts_nodal[1:]) diag = super().diag(X, eval_gradient, nodal=True, lmin=lmin, active_theta_only=False) else: output_shape = (len(X), len(Y)) XY = np.concatenate((X, Y)) starts = backend.zeros(len(X) + len(Y) + 1, dtype=np.uint32) starts[:len(X)] = np.arange(len(X)) starts[len(X):] = np.arange(len(Y) + 1) starts_nodal = backend.zeros(len(XY) + 1, dtype=np.uint32) sizes = np.array([len(g.nodes) for g in XY], dtype=np.uint32) np.cumsum(sizes, out=starts_nodal[1:]) diag = super().diag(XY, eval_gradient, nodal=True, lmin=lmin, active_theta_only=False) distance = backend.empty(int(, np.float32) hotspot = backend.empty(int(, np.int32) if eval_gradient is True: gradient = backend.empty( self.n_dims * int(, np.float32 ) r, dr = diag diags = [backend.array(np.r_[r[b:e], dr[b:e, :].ravel('F')]) for b, e in zip(starts_nodal[:-1], starts_nodal[1:])] else: gradient = None diags = [backend.array(diag[b:e]) for b, e in zip(starts_nodal[:-1], starts_nodal[1:])] diags_d = backend.empty(len(diags), dtype=np.uintp) diags_d[:] = [int(d.base) for d in diags] timer.toc('creating output buffer') ''' call GPU kernel ''' timer.tic('calling GPU kernel (overall)') backend( np.concatenate((X, Y)) if Y is not None else X, diags_d, self.node_kernel, self.edge_kernel, self.p, self.q, self.eps, self.ftol, self.gtol, jobs, starts, distance, hotspot, gradient, output_shape[0], output_shape[1] if len(output_shape) >= 2 else 1, self.n_dims, traits, timer, ) timer.toc('calling GPU kernel (overall)') ''' collect result ''' timer.tic('collecting result') distance = distance.reshape(*output_shape, order='F') if gradient is not None: gradient = gradient.reshape( (*output_shape, self.n_dims), order='F' )[:, :, self.active_theta_mask] timer.toc('collecting result') if timing:'ms') timer.reset() retval = [distance.astype(self.element_dtype)] if return_hotspot is True: if Y is None: n = np.array([len(g.nodes) for g in X], dtype=np.uint32) else: n = np.array([len(g.nodes) for g in Y], dtype=np.uint32) hotspot = hotspot.reshape(*output_shape, order='F') retval.append((hotspot // n, hotspot % n)) if eval_gradient is True: retval.append(gradient.astype(self.element_dtype)) if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] else: return tuple(retval)