graphdot.microkernel package

Microkernels are positive-semidefinite functions between individual nodes and edges of graphs.

class graphdot.microkernel.MicroKernel[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

The abstract base class for all microkernels.


Implements the additive kernel composition semantics, i.e. expression k1 + k2 creates \(k_+(a, b) = k_1(a, b) + k_2(a, b)\)

__call__(i, j, jac=False)[source]

Evaluates the kernel.

  • j (i,) – Inputs to the kernel.
  • jac (Boolean) – Whether or not to return the gradient of the kernel with respect to kernel hyperparameters alongside the kernel value.

  • k_ij (scalar) – The value of the kernel as evaluated on i and j.
  • jacobian (1D ndarray) – The gradient of the kernel with regard to hyperparameters.


Implements the multiplicative kernel composition semantics, i.e. expression k1 * k2 creates \(k_\times(a, b) = k_1(a, b) \times k_2(a, b)\)


A list of 2-tuples for the lower and upper bounds of each kernel hyperparameter.

static from_sympy(name, desc, expr, vars, *hyperparameter_specs, minmax=(0, 1))[source]

Create a pairwise kernel class from a SymPy expression.

  • name (str) – The name of the kernel. Must be a valid Python identifier.
  • desc (str) – A human-readable description of the kernel. Will be used to build the docstring of the returned kernel class.
  • expr (str or SymPy expression) – Expression of the kernel in SymPy format.
  • vars (2-tuple of str or SymPy symbols) – The input variables of the kernel as shown up in the expression. A kernel must have exactly 2 input variables. All other symbols that show up in its expression should be regarded as hyperparameters.
  • hyperparameter_specs (list of hyperparameter specifications in one of) –
  • formats below (the) –
    (symbol, dtype),
    (symbol, dtype, description),
    (symbol, dtype, lower_bound, upper_bound),
    (symbol, dtype, lower_bound, upper_bound, description),

    If a default set of lower and upper bounds are not defined here, then it must be specified explicitly during kernel object creation, using arguments as specified in the kernel class’s docstring.

gen_expr(x, y, theta_scope='')[source]

Generate the C++ expression for evaluating the kernel and its partial derivatives.

  • y (x,) – Name of the input variables.
  • theta_scope (str) – The scope in which the hyperparameters is located.

  • expr (str) – A C++ expression that evaluates the kernel.
  • jac_expr (list of strs) – C++ expressions that evaluate the derivative of the kernel.


A 2-tuple of the minimum and maximum values that the kernel could take.


Name of the kernel.


A normalized version of the original kernel using the dot product formula: :py:math:`k^\mathrm{normalized}(i, j) = \frac{k(i, j)}{\sqrt{k(i, i) k(j, j)}}`.


A tuple of all the kernel hyperparameters.

class graphdot.microkernel.Product

Bases: graphdot.microkernel.product.Product

dtype = dtype([], align=True)
graphdot.microkernel.Constant(c, c_bounds='fixed')[source]

Creates a no-op microkernel that returns a constant value, i.e. \(k_\mathrm{c}(\cdot, \cdot) \equiv constant\). This kernel is often mutliplied with other microkernels as an adjustable weight.

Parameters:c (float > 0) – The constant value.
graphdot.microkernel.KroneckerDelta(h, h_bounds=(0.001, 1))[source]

Creates a Kronecker delta microkernel that returns either 1 or h depending on whether two features compare equal, i.e. \(k_\delta(i, j) = \begin{cases} 1, i = j \\ h, otherwise \end{cases}\).

  • h (float in (0, 1)) – The value of the microkernel when two features do not compare equal.
  • h_bounds (tuple or "fixed") – If tuple, contains the lower and upper bounds that h is allowed to vary during hyperparameter optimization. If “fixed”, the hyperparameter will not be optimized during training.

alias of graphdot.microkernel._base._from_sympy.<locals>.uKernel


alias of graphdot.microkernel._base._from_sympy.<locals>.uKernel

graphdot.microkernel.Normalize(kernel: graphdot.microkernel._base.MicroKernel)[source]

Normalize the value range of a microkernel to [0, 1] using the cosine of angle formula: \(k_{normalized}(x, y) = \frac{k(x, y)} {\sqrt{k(x, x) k(y, y)}}\).

Parameters:kernel – The microkernel to be normalized.
graphdot.microkernel.Composite(oper, **kw_kernels)[source]

Creates a microkernel on multiple features, which uses a reduction operator to combine the outputs of multiple microkernels on individual features. \(k_\mathrm{composite}(X, Y; \mathrm{op}) = k_{a_1}(X_{a_1}, Y_{a_1})\,\mathrm{op}\,k_{a_2}(X_{a_2}, Y_{a_2})\, \mathrm{op}\,\ldots\)

  • oper (str) – A reduction operator. Due to positive definiteness requirements, the available options are currently limited to ‘+’, ‘*’.
  • kw_kernels (dict of attribute=kernel pairs) – The kernels can be any microkernels and their compositions as defined in this module, while features should be strings that represent valid Python/C++ identifiers.

Alias of Composite(‘*’, **kw_kernels). \(k_\otimes(X, Y) = \prod_{a \in \mathrm{features}} k_a(X_a, Y_a)\)


Alias of Composite(‘+’, **kw_kernels). \(k_\oplus(X, Y) = \sum_{a \in \mathrm{features}} k_a(X_a, Y_a)\)

graphdot.microkernel.Convolution(kernel: graphdot.microkernel._base.MicroKernel, mean=True)[source]

Creates a convolutional microkernel, which averages evaluations of a base microkernel between pairs of elements of two variable-length feature sequences.

  • kernel (MicroKernel) – The base kernel can be any elementary or composite microkernels, while the attribute to be convolved should be sequences.
  • mean (bool) – If True, return the arithmetic mean of the kernel evaluations, i.e. \(k_{conv}(X, Y) = \frac{\sum_{x \in X} \sum_{y \in Y} k_{base}(x, y)}{|X||Y|}\). Otherwise, return the sum of the kernel evaluations, i.e. \(k_{conv}(X, Y) = \sum_{x \in X} \sum_{y \in Y} k_{base}(x, y)\). Thus, this serves as a means of normalization beyonds the dot product based one.

Creates a dot product microkernel, which computes the inner product between two vector-valued features.

Parameters:kernel does not have any tunable hyperparameters. (This) –