Source code for graphdot.experimental.alterantive_mgk._kernel

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from graphdot.graph import Graph
from graphdot.util import Timer
from graphdot.kernel.marginalized import MarginalizedGraphKernel
from ._backend_cuda import AltCUDABackend

[docs]class AltMarginalizedGraphKernel(MarginalizedGraphKernel): trait_t = namedtuple( 'Traits', 'lmin' )
[docs] @classmethod def traits(cls, lmin=0): traits = cls.trait_t(lmin) return traits
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.backend = AltCUDABackend(**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, X, ij, lmin=0, timing=False): """Compute a list of pairwise similarities between graphs. Parameters ---------- X: list of N graphs The graphs must all have same node and edge attributes. ij: list of pairs of ints Pair indices for which the graph kernel is to be evaluated. lmin: 0 or 1 Number of steps to skip in each random walk path before similarity is computed. (lmin + 1) corresponds to the starting value of l in the summation of Eq. 1 in Tang & de Jong, 2019 (or the first unnumbered equation in Section 3.3 of Kashima, Tsuda, and Inokuchi, 2003). Returns ------- gramian: ndarray A vector with the same length as ij """ timer = Timer() backend = self.backend traits = self.traits( lmin=lmin, ) ''' assert graph attributes are compatible with each other ''' pred_or_tuple = Graph.has_unified_types(X) if pred_or_tuple is not True: group, first, second = pred_or_tuple raise TypeError( f'The two graphs have mismatching {group} attributes or ' 'attribute types. If the attributes match in name but differ ' 'in type, try `Graph.unify_datatype` as an automatic fix.\n' f'First graph: {first}\n' f'Second graph: {second}\n' ) ''' generate jobs ''' timer.tic('generating jobs') jobs = backend.array( np.array(ij, dtype=np.uint32) .ravel() .view(dtype=np.dtype([('i', np.uint32), ('j', np.uint32)])) ) timer.toc('generating jobs') ''' create output buffer ''' timer.tic('creating output buffer') gramian = backend.empty(len(jobs), np.float32) timer.toc('creating output buffer') ''' call GPU kernel ''' timer.tic('calling GPU kernel (overall)') backend( X, self.node_kernel, self.edge_kernel, self.p, self.q, self.eps, self.ftol, self.gtol, jobs, gramian, traits, timer, ) timer.toc('calling GPU kernel (overall)') ''' collect result ''' timer.tic('collecting result') gramian = gramian.astype(self.element_dtype) timer.toc('collecting result') if timing:'ms') timer.reset() return gramian