Source code for graphdot.graph.reorder.pbr.mnom

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
import kahypar
import numpy as np
from .config import to_ini
from .colnet_hypergraph import ColnetHygr
from .hypergraph import Hygr

[docs]class PbrMnom: '''Partitioning-based reordering. Parameters ---------- tilesize: int, default=8 Size of the tile to be used for partitioning mnc: int, default=100 Message net cost. The higher the value, the more aggressive the will try to minimize the number of nonempty tiles. addMsgNets: bool, default=True Whether to add message nets to minimize the number of nonempty tiles. Should be True in most cases. ''' def __init__(self, tilesize=8, mnc=100, addMsgNets=True, config=None): self._tilesize = tilesize self._mnc = mnc self._addMsgNets = addMsgNets self._context = kahypar.Context() with to_ini(config) as ini: self._context.loadINIconfiguration(ini) def _bisect(self, curlvl, lpvec, nextlvl, idx): lidx = 2*idx ridx = 2*idx + 1 h = curlvl[idx][0] map = [None] * h._nverts hl = Hygr() hl._nverts = hl._nnets = hl._npins = 0 hr = Hygr() hr._nverts = hr._nnets = hr._npins = 0 # assign vertices for v in range(h._nverts): if (lpvec[v] == 0): map[v] = hl._nverts hl._nverts += 1 else: map[v] = hr._nverts hr._nverts += 1 # unit vertex weights hl._cwghts = [1] * hl._nverts nextlvl[lidx][2] = [None] * hl._nverts hr._cwghts = [1] * hr._nverts nextlvl[ridx][2] = [None] * hr._nverts # global vertex ids for v in range(h._nverts): if (lpvec[v] == 0): nextlvl[lidx][2][map[v]] = curlvl[idx][2][v] else: nextlvl[ridx][2][map[v]] = curlvl[idx][2][v] # split nets and pins lpin = lnet = rpin = rnet = 0 for n in range(h._nnets): ls = lpin rs = rpin for v in h._pins[h._xpins[n]:h._xpins[n+1]]: if (lpvec[v] == 0): lpin += 1 else: rpin += 1 if (lpin > ls): lnet += 1 if (rpin > rs): rnet += 1 hl._xpins = [0] * (lnet + 2) hl._pins = [0] * lpin # hl._nwghts = [0] * (lnet + 2) hl._nwghts = [0] * lnet hr._xpins = [0] * (rnet + 2) hr._pins = [0] * rpin # hr._nwghts = [0] * (rnet + 2) hr._nwghts = [0] * rnet for n in range(h._nnets): for v in h._pins[h._xpins[n]:h._xpins[n+1]]: if (lpvec[v] == 0): hl._pins[hl._npins] = map[v] hl._npins += 1 else: hr._pins[hr._npins] = map[v] hr._npins += 1 if (hl._xpins[hl._nnets] < hl._npins): hl._xpins[hl._nnets + 1] = hl._npins hl._nwghts[hl._nnets] = h._nwghts[n] hl._nnets += 1 if (hr._xpins[hr._nnets] < hr._npins): hr._xpins[hr._nnets + 1] = hr._npins hr._nwghts[hr._nnets] = h._nwghts[n] hr._nnets += 1 nextlvl[lidx][0] = hl nextlvl[ridx][0] = hr # no super-nets for now nextlvl[lidx][3] = hl._nnets nextlvl[lidx][4] = hl._npins nextlvl[ridx][3] = hr._nnets nextlvl[ridx][4] = hr._npins def _add_send_msg_nets(self, horig, curpid, cur_nhygrs, gpvec, curlvl, idx): lb = curpid ub = curpid + 1 nsendnets = 0 send_net_ids = [0] * cur_nhygrs send_net_szs = [0] * cur_nhygrs sends = [0] * cur_nhygrs totalpin = 0 hcur = curlvl[idx][0] for v in range(hcur._nverts): vorig = curlvl[idx][2][v] # also a net for u in horig._pins[horig._xpins[vorig]:horig._xpins[vorig+1]]: p = gpvec[u] if ((p < lb or p >= ub) and sends[p] == 0): if (send_net_szs[p] == 0): send_net_ids[p] = nsendnets nsendnets += 1 send_net_szs[p] += 1 sends[p] = 1 totalpin += 1 for i in range(cur_nhygrs): sends[i] = 0 ne = curlvl[idx][3] pe = curlvl[idx][4] # print(len(hcur._nwghts), ne) assert (len(hcur._xpins) == (ne+2) and len(hcur._pins) == pe and len(hcur._nwghts) == ne) hcur._xpins.extend([0] * nsendnets) hcur._pins.extend([0] * totalpin) hcur._nwghts.extend([0] * nsendnets) for n in range(cur_nhygrs): if (send_net_szs[n] != 0): hcur._xpins[ne+2+send_net_ids[n]] = send_net_szs[n] for n in range(ne+1, ne+nsendnets+2): hcur._xpins[n] += hcur._xpins[n-1] for v in range(hcur._nverts): vorig = curlvl[idx][2][v] # also a net for u in horig._pins[horig._xpins[vorig]:horig._xpins[vorig+1]]: p = gpvec[u] if ((p < lb or p >= ub) and sends[p] == 0): hcur._pins[hcur._xpins[ne+1+send_net_ids[p]]] = v hcur._xpins[ne+1+send_net_ids[p]] += 1 sends[p] = 1 for i in range(cur_nhygrs): sends[i] = 0 ncost = 2 * self._mnc * 10 for n in range(ne, ne+nsendnets): hcur._nwghts[n] = ncost for n in range(hcur._nnets): hcur._nwghts[n] = 10 curlvl[idx][3] = ne + nsendnets curlvl[idx][4] = hcur._xpins[curlvl[idx][3]] hcur._xpins[curlvl[idx][3]+1] = 0
[docs] def partition_hygr(self, h): if (h._nverts <= self._tilesize): return range(h._nverts) tilesize = self._tilesize nparts = int((h._nverts + tilesize - 1) / tilesize) curnhygr = 1 kway_bound = nparts totalcut = 0 gpvec = [0] * h._nverts context = self._context context.setK(2) # will always partition into 2 # nparts should be > 1 at this point assert(nparts > 1) if (nparts & (nparts-1) != 0): kway_bound = int(math.pow(2, int(math.log2(nparts)) + 1)) # each entry three elems: [hygr, curk, gcids, ne, pe] # ne and pe include supernets curlvl = [None] nextlvl = [[None] * 5, [None] * 5] curlvl[0] = [h, nparts, [x for x in range(h._nverts)], h._nnets, h._npins] while (curnhygr != kway_bound): lastid = 0 for i in range(curnhygr): if (curlvl[i][1] == 1): lastid += 1 continue if (curlvl[i][0] is None): continue if (curnhygr > 1 and self._addMsgNets): self._add_send_msg_nets(h, lastid, 2*curnhygr, gpvec, curlvl, i) # compute target pw curk = curlvl[i][1] tpw = [None] * 2 if (curlvl[i][0]._nverts % tilesize != 0): tmp = int((curk + 1) / 2) tpw[0] = tmp * tilesize tpw[1] = curlvl[i][0]._nverts - tpw[0] else: if (curk % 2 == 0): tpw[0] = tpw[1] = (curk / 2) * tilesize else: tmp = int(curk / 2) tpw[0] = (tmp + 1) * tilesize tpw[1] = tmp * tilesize tpw[0] = int(tpw[0]) tpw[1] = int(tpw[1]) # form kahypar hypergraph hk = kahypar.Hypergraph( curlvl[i][0]._nverts, curlvl[i][3], # with msg nets curlvl[i][0]._xpins, curlvl[i][0]._pins, 2, curlvl[i][0]._nwghts, curlvl[i][0]._cwghts) context.setCustomTargetBlockWeights(tpw) context.suppressOutput(True) # partition and get part vector kahypar.partition(hk, context) lpvec = [None] * curlvl[i][0]._nverts for v in range(curlvl[i][0]._nverts): lpvec[v] = hk.blockID(v) # @TODO if tpw is not achieved, return id perm curcut = kahypar.cut(hk) totalcut += curcut assert(hk.blockWeight(0) == tpw[0] and hk.blockWeight(1) == tpw[1]) # update global partvec for v in range(h._nverts): # orig hygr if (gpvec[v] > lastid): gpvec[v] += 1 for v in range(curlvl[i][0]._nverts): if (lpvec[v] == 1): gpvec[curlvl[i][2][v]] += 1 lastid += 2 left = 2*i right = 2*i + 1 nextlvl[right][1] = int(curk / 2) nextlvl[left][1] = nextlvl[right][1] + (curk % 2) # bisect self._bisect(curlvl, lpvec, nextlvl, i) curnhygr = curnhygr * 2 # update curlvl and nextlvl if (curnhygr != nparts): curlvl = nextlvl nextlvl = [[None] * 5 for i in range(2*curnhygr)] return gpvec
[docs] def __call__(self, row_ids, col_ids, nrow, ncol): '''Reorder a graph (as represented by a symmetric sparse matrix) using PBR and return the permutation array. Parameters ---------- row_ids: sequence Row indices of the non-zero elements. col_ids: sequence Column indices of the non-zero elements. nrow: int Number of rows ncol: int Number of columns Returns ------- perm: ndarray Array of permuted row/column indices. ''' h = ColnetHygr(True) h.createFromPairs(row_ids, col_ids, nrow, ncol) pvec = self.partition_hygr(h) perm = [(v, pvec[v]) for v in range(nrow)] perm = sorted(perm, key=lambda x: x[1]) perm = [x[0] for x in perm] return np.array(perm)