Source code for graphdot.linalg.low_rank

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Low-rank approximation of square matrices.'''
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse.linalg as splin

[docs]class LowRankBase:
[docs] def __add__(self, other): return add(self, other)
def __sub__(self, other): return sub(self, other) def __matmul__(self, other): return matmul(self, other)
[docs]class Sum(LowRankBase): '''Represents summations of factor approximations. Due to the bilinear nature of matrix inner product, it is best to store the summation as-is so as to preserve the low-rank structure of the matrices.''' def __init__(self, factors): self.factors = factors def __repr__(self): return ' + '.join([f'({repr(f)})' for f in self.factors]) @property def T(self): return Sum([f.T for f in self.factors]) def __neg__(self): return Sum([-f for f in self.factors])
[docs] def diagonal(self): return np.sum([f.diagonal() for f in self.factors], axis=0)
[docs] def trace(self): return np.sum([f.diagonal().sum() for f in self.factors])
[docs] def quadratic(self, a, b): '''Computes a @ X @ b.''' return np.sum([f.quadratic(a, b) for f in self.factors], axis=0)
[docs] def todense(self): return np.sum([f.todense() for f in self.factors], axis=0)
[docs]class LATR(LowRankBase): r'''Represents an N-by-N square matrix A as :py:math:`L \cdot R`, where L and R are N-by-k and k-by-N (:py:math:`k << N`) rectangular matrices.''' def __init__(self, lhs, rhs): self._lhs = lhs self._rhs = rhs def __repr__(self): return f'{self.lhs.shape} @ {self.rhs.shape}' @property def lhs(self): return self._lhs @property def rhs(self): return self._rhs @property def T(self): return LATR(self.rhs.T, self.lhs.T) def __neg__(self): return LATR(-self.lhs, self.rhs)
[docs] def todense(self): return self.lhs @ self.rhs
[docs] def diagonal(self): return np.sum(self.lhs * self.rhs.T, axis=1)
[docs] def trace(self): return self.diagonal().sum()
[docs] def quadratic(self, a, b): '''Computes a @ X @ b.''' return (a @ self.lhs) @ (self.rhs @ b)
[docs] def quadratic_diag(self, a, b): '''Computes diag(a @ X @ b).''' return LATR(a @ self.lhs, self.rhs @ b).diagonal()
[docs]class LLT(LATR): r'''A special case of factor approximation where the matrix is symmetric and positive-semidefinite. In this case, the matrix can be represented as :py:math:`L \cdot L^\mathsf{T}` from a spectral decomposition.''' def __init__(self, X, rcond=0, mode='truncate'): if isinstance(X, np.ndarray): U, S, _ = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False) beta = S.max() * rcond if mode == 'truncate': mask = S >= beta self.U = U[:, mask] self.S = S[mask] elif mode == 'clamp': self.U = U self.S = np.maximum(S, beta) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Unknown spectral approximation mode '{mode}'." ) elif isinstance(X, tuple) and len(X) == 2: self.U, self.S = X self._lhs = self.U * self.S @property def lhs(self): return self._lhs @property def rhs(self): return self._lhs.T
[docs] def diagonal(self): return np.sum(self.lhs**2, axis=1)
[docs] def pinv(self): return LLT((self.U, 1 / self.S))
[docs] def logdet(self): return 2 * np.log(self.S).sum()
[docs] def cond(self): return (self.S.max() / self.S.min())**2
def __pow__(self, exp): return LLT((self.U, self.S**exp))
[docs]def dot(X, Y=None, method='auto', rcond=0, mode='truncate'): r'''A utility method that creates low-rank matrices :py:math:`A \doteq X \cdot Y`. Parameters ---------- X: ndarray Left hand side of the product. Y: ndarray Right hand side of the product. If None, Y will be assumed to be the transposition of X. method: 'auto' or 'direct' or 'spectral' If 'direct', store the matrix as the product of X and Y. If 'spectral' and Y is None, store the matrix as the product of the singular vectors and singular values of X. 'auto' is equivalent to 'spectral' when Y is None and 'direct' otherwise. rcond: float Threshold for small singular values when method is 'spectral'. mode : 'truncate' or 'clamp' Determines how small singular values of the original matrix are handled. For 'truncate', small values are discarded; for 'clamp', they are fixed to be the product of the largest singular value and rcond. ''' assert method in ['auto', 'direct', 'spectral'], f'Unknown method {method}' if Y is None: if method == 'spectral' or method == 'auto': return LLT(X, rcond=rcond, mode=mode) else: return LATR(X, X.T) else: if method == 'spectral': raise RuntimeError( 'Spectral approximation only usable when Y is None.' ) else: return LATR(X, Y)
[docs]def add(A, B): factors = A.factors if isinstance(A, Sum) else [A] factors += B.factors if isinstance(B, Sum) else [B] return Sum(factors)
[docs]def sub(A, B): factors = A.factors if isinstance(A, Sum) else [A] factors += [-f for f in B.factors] if isinstance(B, Sum) else [-B] return Sum(factors)
[docs]def matmul(A, B): if isinstance(A, Sum): if isinstance(B, Sum): return Sum([ a @ b for a in A.factors for b in B.factors ]) else: return Sum([ a @ B for a in A.factors ]) else: if isinstance(B, Sum): return Sum([ A @ b for b in B.factors ]) elif isinstance(B, LATR): return LATR(A.lhs, (A.rhs @ B.lhs) @ B.rhs) else: return A.lhs @ (A.rhs @ B)
[docs]def pinvh(A: LATR, d, k='auto', rcond=1e-10, mode='truncate'): '''Calculate the low-rank approximated pseudoinverse of a low-rank symmetric matrix with optional diagonal regularization. Parameters ---------- A: :py:class:`LATR`. A low-rank symmetric positive semidefinite matrix. d: array An optional regularization vector that will be added elementwise to the diagonal of ``A``. k: int or 'auto' Number of eigenvalues to resolve. If 'auto', k will be set to be the sum of the rank of ``A`` plus the number of nonzeros in ``d``. rcond: float Cutoff for small eigenvalues. Eigenvalues less than or equal to `rcond * largest_eigenvalue` and associated eigenvators are discarded in forming the pseudoinverse. mode: str Determines how small eigenvalues of the original matrix are handled. For 'truncate', small eigenvalues are discarded; for 'clamp', they are fixed to be the product of the largest eigenvalue and rcond. Returns ------- Ainv: :py:class:`LLT`. A low-rank representation of the pseudoinverse of ``A``. ''' class MatVecOperator(splin.LinearOperator): def __init__(self, A, d): self.A = A self.d = d @property def shape(self): return (len(self.d), len(self.d)) @property def dtype(self): return self.d.dtype def _matvec(self, b): return self.A @ b + self.d * b def _matmat(self, b): return self.A @ b + self.d[:, None] * b def _adjoint(self): return self if k == 'auto': k = A.lhs.shape[1] + np.count_nonzero(d) else: assert isinstance(k, int) a, Q = splin.eigsh(MatVecOperator(A, d), k=k) beta = a.max() * rcond mask = a > beta if mode == 'truncate': a = a[mask] Q = Q[:, mask] elif mode == 'clamp': a[~mask] = beta else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown pseudoinverse mode '{mode}'.") return LLT((Q, a**-0.5))