Source code for graphdot.linalg.spectral

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np

[docs]def powerh(H, p, rcond=None, mode='truncate', return_symmetric=True, return_eigvals=False): r'''Compute the fractional power of a Hermitian matrix as defined through eigendecomposition. Parameters ---------- H: matrix H must be symmetric/self-conjugate, a.k.a. Hermitian. p: float The power to be raised. rcond: float Cutoff for small eigenvalues. Eigenvalues less than or equal to `rcond * largest_eigenvalue` are discarded. mode: str Determines how small eigenvalues of the original matrix are handled. For 'truncate', small eigenvalues are discarded; for 'clamp', they are fixed to be the product of the largest eigenvalue and rcond. return_symmetric: bool Whether or not to make the returned matrix symmetric by multiplying it with the transposed eigenvectors on the right hand side. Returns ------- L: matrix :py:math:`H^p`. ''' a, Q = np.linalg.eigh(H) if rcond is not None: beta = a.max() * rcond if mode == 'truncate': mask = a > beta a = a[mask] Q = Q[:, mask] elif mode == 'clamp': a = np.maximum(a, beta) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown pseudoinverse mode '{mode}'.") if np.any(a <= 0) and p < 1 and p != 0: raise np.linalg.LinAlgError( f'Cannot raise a non-positive definite matrix to a power of {p}.' ) Hp = Q * a**p if return_symmetric: Hp = Hp @ Q.T return (Hp, a) if return_eigvals is True else Hp
[docs]def pinvh(H, rcond=1e-10, mode='truncate', return_nlogdet=False): r'''Compute the pseudoinverse of a Hermitian matrix using its eigenvalue decomposition. Only eigenvalues larger than a certain threshold will be included to construct the pseudoinverse. This method differs from :py:method:`np.linalg.pinv` in that it uses *eigendecomposition* instead singular decomposition. It also differs from :py:method:`scipy.linalg.pinvh` in that it includes only *positive* eigenvalues. This design choice was made to prevent some nearly singular matrices, that contains elementwise error of relative magnitude 1e-7, to give rise to large negative log-likelihood values in Gaussian process regression. Parameters ---------- H: matrix H must be symmetric/self-conjugate, a.k.a. Hermitian. rcond: float Cutoff for small eigenvalues. Eigenvalues less than or equal to `rcond * largest_eigenvalue` and associated eigenvators are discarded in forming the pseudoinverse. mode: str Determines how small eigenvalues of the original matrix are handled. For 'truncate', small eigenvalues are discarded; for 'clamp', they are fixed to be the product of the largest eigenvalue and rcond. return_nlogdet: bool Whether or not to return the negative log determinant of the pseudoinverse. Returns ------- H_inv: matrix :py:math:`H^{\dagger}`. nlogdet: float, optional if estimate_logdet is True Negative log-determinant of :py:math:`H^{\dagger}` while ignoring zero eigenvalues. ''' a, Q = np.linalg.eigh(H) beta = a.max() * rcond mask = a > beta if mode == 'truncate': a = a[mask] Q = Q[:, mask] elif mode == 'clamp': a[~mask] = beta else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown pseudoinverse mode '{mode}'.") H_inv = (Q / a) @ Q.T if return_nlogdet is True: nlogdet = np.sum(np.log(a)) return H_inv, nlogdet else: return H_inv